Calling all #plantparents! Do you have A LOT of plant babies—like me? I got my greenish thumb from my mom. She has this freakish ability to just KNOW what a plant needs.
When we drive around town she can point to plants and flowers and name them like her own children. I’m just amazed every single time and ask her, who are you and how do I get this superpower?!
One of her top tips is to get your hands dirty and actually feel the soil. If it’s still damp, leave it alone—no water needed. If it’s a bigger pot (anything over 8″ in diameter) she uses this superhero tool to check the moisture of the belly of the soil.
Plants like to drink, and then dry out. So if it’s still damp, let it dry out before you water!
With all the plants I’ve killed over the years, I’m slowly beginning to learn to listen to what they want, track what works (and what doesn’t) and…..grow happier plants!
Where she is great with plants, I am pretty good with printables….so enter! The plant care printable!! Yes!
Plants are like people, they like routine. (And also! They like to be named. A nameless plant? Did you not name your dog, either?!) My printable helps you track each plant, its species, any notes (like how much to offer it each watering , when to add fertilizer, etc) and most importantly, what days it likes a drink.
Never miss a watering again!
It’s a perfect if you travel frequently and need to leave instructions for a house-sitter, roommate or husband. Scroll to the bottom for the link.
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