My best friend Kelly introduced me to the idea of spirit guides. She learned the concept from spiritual guru Gabrielle Bernstein. Gabby explains spirit guides: “I feel that we all have our own posse of guides watching over us, ready to help and serve whenever we call on them for support. These guides are tremendously loving, compassionate and empowering. They’re like invisible cheerleaders who always have our back.” The idea is the spirit guides take a physical form and show up in unexpected ways. When we see them, we know our spirit guides are there, working, protecting, cheering. I chose the elephant as my spirit guide. The elephant symbolizes strength, and is a reminder that we can deal with any obstacle that we face–no obstacle is as complicated as we think. The elephant also reminds us to nourish ourselves first, so we can then we reach out and help others. I saw this beautiful cotton fabric shortly after choosing the elephant as my spirit guide, so I had to do something with it. Here’s an idea of how to display fabric as art–a buy viagra online in uk very quick and easy DIY for your walls.
Fabric (choose one with a heavier weight that won’t be translucent or slippery)
Picture frame (I recommend 8 X 10″ or larger to show off enough of the fabric)

Lay your fabric flat and press it with an iron to remove any creases.

Put the glass part of your frame over an area of the fabric that you’d like to feature.

Cut around the frame leaving an extra 1/4″. Use fabric scissors to get a clean edge. I used paper scissors and you can see they didn’t cut the fabric very well, but I’m going with it! Next fold the 1/4″ extra fabric back and iron flat.

Place the fabric inside the frame, as you would a photograph.

Hang and enjoy!
I’m on the lookout for elephants everywhere now. It’s a fun way to pay better attention to the Universe and its many signs. What is your spirit guide?
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